Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Surprise peppers...............

My garden is doing some weird things. It is messing with my mind! Isn't this the sorriest plant you have ever seen. It is a pepper plant that I planted in late February. Pepper plants are supposed to like heat. Well this little bugger sat around all summer just taunting me. Never flowering, never giving me a single pepper.
About a week ago I found this little pepper tucked away behind some leaves. It is a beautiful purple color on the outside and bright green inside.
And this morning I found another pepper tucked away behind some leaves. What in the world is up with this. I was ready to pull this plant out a few weeks ago and decided to wait only to get these little surprises.
Well that beautiful puple pepper made it into my breakfast this morning. A plate full of migas, very yummy. I have made this recipe before with just the eggs and corn tortillas and I never even knew there was a name for this dish. I came across this delicious recipe yesterday at Give it a try, you won't regret it.

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