Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Best Day of His Life.......................

I can think of no better title for this post. Today was probably the most exciting day of my sons life. My 17 year old son has been doing some volunteer work at the local airport, helping prepare the airport for a 'Fly In' next week. During this volunteer work my son met a gentleman who introduced him to the 'Young Eagles' . The Young Eagles is a program that was developed to introduce young people between the ages of 8 and 17 to the world of Aviation. I don't think there is anything in this world that fascinates my son more than an airplane.

Today was the day that the young people got to take a ride. There were several different airplanes and I can't even pretend to know what types of planes they are except for the biplane. I only know what a biplane is now because that is what my son was given a ride in.

Nobody I know, just thought this was a nice shot........
Another nice shot..............
Son and his friends first trip out to the runway to wait for their plane. On this first trip out to the runway my sons two friends got into their planes. Sad news for my sons plane though.......... the young man who took the trip ahead of him didn't handle it too well and the plane had to be pulled to the side for a clean up.
This is my sons second walk out to the runway. Hopefully things will be a success this time around. The young man with him hopped in his plane and away he went. Not so lucky for my son again... his plane now needs fuel. So away the plane goes to the pump.
Another cool shot of the biplanes. Very exciting how they veer off to the left before they land.

My son has now walked over to the fuel pump to meet his plane. He is one of the last riders of the day so it is just easier for him to go to the plane instead of the plane coming to him. Here he is striking a pose.

There he goes.........

Look at that big ole goofy grin!! I think somebody really enjoyed their ride. Excuse the grunge look, he was planning to do volunteer work at the airport after his ride so there was no reason to dress up.

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