Friday, December 19, 2008


I love poinsettias but I can never seem to buy one for myself every year. I always think my hubby should surprise me and buy me one. That never happens. This year I started tossing hints to my daughter so she could toss hints to her daddy so that he would buy me one. Things didn't quite work out the way I had planned. Daughter comes back to me and relays the message that daddy says if I want one to go buy it myself. OK then, one poinsettia added to the weekend grocery list. Hubby must have felt a little guilt though because the next day when he came home he had a little poinsettia for me........... stress the word LITTLE. It is the SMALLEST poinsettia I have ever seen. I controlled myself and didn't laugh when he gave it to me because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Now of course I can not go buy myself another beautiful full poisettia because that would also hurt his feelings........

Sigh, note for Christmas 2009, Buy My Own Poinsettia!

note- this pic really does not convey how small this plant really is

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