The cheerleaders always do a dance at halftime and on Monday they did their Christmas dance.
The video is a little too big for blogger to I put it on youtube instead.
I had hoped to get a picture of her after the performance in her costume but unfortunately that didn't happen.
Aren't these just the cutest little marshmallow pops? I got the idea from Suzanne McMinn over at Chickens in the Road
Cheergirl's team participated in a fashion show at the local hot spot in our city. Before the show began her team got to perform. Unfortunately from my spot I couldn't get the whole team so I just had to aim the camera at the section where cheergirl was.
Darling big brother, always ready, willing and able to antagonize.Message for the ducks ........"Go ahead, make my day"
A couple morning shots at Willow Springs Lake
Get lost mom..... Sleeping beauty has awaken
Guess I was wrong, she did pop her fishing line in the water for a bit....
Friday afternoon at camp is spent, reading, eating, napping, and target practicing. No injuries reported.
Friday late afternoon, headed back to our favorite fishing spot at Woods Canyon Lake. Victory was mine. Momma proved to be the fishing queen, I caught the one and only fish that evening.
Can you see the choppy waters in the pictures from Friday? Ugh is was such a terrible windy day. Almost a deal breaker, it wouldn't have taken much to convince us to pack and head back home. But we persevered......
Saturday morning we awoke to a much more calm day thank goodness. We again woke at 4 AM and I hustled to make breakfast burritos to take with us to the lake. We arrived at our favorite spot at Woods Canyon lake just as the sun was rising.
Look how still and calm the water is...
Origami Girl, kicking back and enjoying her burrito.
Cheergirl was fascinated by these two oak trees smack dab in the middle of all the pines. She liked the way they leaned towards each other making somewhat of an arch and feels it would be a great place for a wedding. No more pictures of the fish being caught, just a couple pics when we got home. Drumroll please. Momma ended up being the master fisherwoman this trip around. I caught THREE fish, the two biggest were mine, and then one of the smaller ones. I also reeled in origami girls fish as she was busy reading. Hubby brought in a fish and pizza boy brought in a fish. The debate is still out on who's fish was bigger. Poor Cheer girl, didn't catch a thing. By Saturday afternoon she was feeling much better and the kink in her neck was almost gone so she was eager to go back to our fishing spot again. Alas we had no luck on Saturday evening, not even a nibble. I think we were at the lake a little too early, should have waited a little closer to sunset.
One more side note....... Saturday afternoon hubby and Pizzaboy drove down to get water and chit chatted with the attendant about fishing. The attendant stated that people were reporting very poor fishing results, nobody was catching anything. HMMMMM, guess I was lucky or skilled.